How to Vote

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State Representative:

The primary is on September 3rd. My name will NOT be on any primary ballot, as I’m running as an independent. The general election is November 5. My name WILL be on the ballot on November 5.  The last day to register to vote in Massachusetts is October 26, 2024, online or in-person.  Make sure you are registered to vote!

Voting is the clearest way to use your political voice. Please exercise your right by participating in your town’s annual meeting and voting in your Town Elections in the coming weeks. Everyone’s vote matters! You DO make a difference.  

Running for office requires money. Your financial support, in any amount, helps me to reach voters in all the 18 towns of the 3rd Berkshire District. You are supporting my work to affect state policy to benefit the Berkshires and get state resources delivered so that together, we can protect the charm of our towns, sustain our natural resources, enhance our public services and improve housing options for all of our citizens. Please consider donating to my efforts.  

How to vote for Marybeth Mitts

Vote On

November 5th